My E-ring..

mmmm.. the most important item in my E-checklist.. huhuhu.. the E-ring.. dah beli ke? harus le belumm.. huhuhu.. E-day is just 1 month away and cincin pon tak penah gi survey.. isk.. isk.. isk.. Malang tul naseb duk kat pedalaman ni.. nak kuar dah le susah.. nak gi survey2 ngan kekasih tercinta harus le tak dapat.. huhuhu... so, nak survey kat mane ni?

Last few days Abang bring up this issue.. serius la jugak rupenye isu ni.. for me, I rase sempat je if nak gi beli mase 1 week before raye tu sbb me balik KL on 3rd Sept.. I'm not the kind yang sgt2 cerewet bile membeli.. me senang sket nak puas hati but bende tu kene betul2 ngan my taste la.. since he suggest me to survey via internet, so me pon cari lah dengan gigihnye.. Surprisingly he said that he wanted the ring to be blue/turquoise in colour to match my E-theme.. mmmm.. bole tahan gak mamat sorang ni punye idea.. hehehe...

So, I've surveyed a lot of blue stone's rings in the internet.. Habib jewels has some of it and maybe we'll go survey at Habib later... rase tak sabar dah pulak.. So, here goes some of my favourite design on blue stone's rings.. jeng..jeng..jeng..
sapphire blue stones... the left one is from Habib.. Abang ckp cantek sgt.. the other 2 i copet kat intenet.. yg belah kanan tu sgt cantek laaaaa.. *drools*

blue topaz stones... warne slightly lighter than susah nk cari yg single stones.. dkat Habib macam takde jek.. maybe kene survey tmpt lain kot.. pic2 sume cekau dr google sajerkk.. yg paling kanan pon canteeekkk~ *drools lagi*

Will I find my dream E-ring nanti? Tak tahu lah... hopefully takde masalah la nanti.. I have the design that I like and
hopefully senang la nak cari nnt.. til then, I'll keep my finger crossed.. hehehe... trulululu~

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