kek hantaran..

wow! sang pencinta hapdet blog b2b skang... hehehe.. ok la 1 entry per day kan.. tajuk entry kat atas tu terang2 dah pon.. so, meh la kite cite sket eh pasal one of the item yg i nak letak atas hantaran ni.. but on the 2nd thought, actually 2 item kay.. cupcakes n cake.. hehehe...

~ Cupcakes ~
Saye sgt suke cupcakes.. especially cupcakes yg comey2.. hehehe.. penah dah order few cupcakes yg comey2 utk diberikan kpd org2 tersayang.. and ade jugak 2-3 contact yg boleh buat cupcakes ni.. so, me skang cam berbelah bagi nak order kat sape cupcakes ni.. either makbee or kak zaza coz both of them sgt pandai wat cupcakes yg cantek2 n comey2.. takpe2.. later on saye pikir n decide.. :)

cuppies yg i tempah from kak zaza utk bufday Abang n Atin.. sweet tak saye? :p

for cupcakes.. of course saye nak tema die turquoise and white kan.. hehehe.. then, ingat nak letak shape blue gerberas yg saye suke sgt2.. ape itu blue gerberas? jeng jeng jeng. dunno whether gerberas and daisies are the same flower or not but rupe diorang same jek... saye mmg suke gerberas @ daisies ni.. suke sgt2.. kalu leh merata2 nak letak gerberas ni tapi tak dapek la kan.. hehehe.. penah ade skali tu, sbb saye suke sgt bunga ni, Abang penah sambut saye kt epot ngan a bouquet of red n orange daisies + red roses.. suke gilaaaakkk!! malu kejap.. ohohoho.. enuf2 of reminiscing old memories (it's not that old laaah.. hik hik hik..) even kat umah saye pon ade sepasu red daisies yg skang tak tau la ape cite die (ni pon Abang yg hadiahkan.. hehehe).. so, leh agak dah kan betapa la saye suke sgt kat bunge ni.. hehehe... that's why i seriously want them on my cupcakes!!! :p

the blue gerberas.. cantek kan?

pic from safiya-cakes.. nak yg lebey kurg camni la.. :)

~ Cake ~
Dah ade cupcake then nape nak letak kek jugak? tak tahu lah.. if ikut plan asal, me nak letak kek lapis (kunun2 cam rare la sket) tapi bila pikir2 balik, me takut kek tu tak tahan sbb me kan balik 1 week before raya.. so, macam kene tahan seminggu.. dah la tak tau kot kek tu dah dok dlm peti sejuk selama mana.. bende kite nak bagi kat org mestilah fresh kan.. so, i decide to choose either choc moist cake makbee yg sedap tahap gaban or figure fondant cake by kak zaza.. i tak penah rase fondant cake kak zaza, but tgk kepada komen2 customers die macam agak memberangsangkan.. so, why not I gove it a try kan.. hehehe.. lagipon all her designs on figures sangat la cantek n comey... terasa sayang pulak nak makan coz cantek sangat! tapi my fren ade gak ckp fondant tak best sbb icing die keras n tak sedap.. it's more kepada cantek je la.. but not to its taste.. mmmmm... sye dah berbelah bagi dah ni.. :(

one of kak zaza's creation.. cantek kannn? but my fren said it's too childish.. mmmm.. btul gak..

tapi takpelah.. since bende ni tak finalize lagi.. me nak cite pasal ideas on my fondant cake later.. ingat nak follow je design yag kak zaza penah buat.. tapi my fren cakap cam too childish.. lagipon nak letak as hantaran kan.. then, i jumpe few pictures on wedding cakes.. so, tetibe rase cam nak gune tema 2 love birds pulak.. hehehe.. cam comey kan.. but the theme colour is still on turquoise and white jugak.. tak nak kaler len.. :)

kek2 yg ade 2 love birds.. comey sangatttt! hehehe..

Adekah saye akan berjaya mendapatkan cupcakes n cake idaman untuk hantaran saye ni? Wallahualam.. Ni baru planning je.. Tindakan belum dibuat lagi.. InsyaAllah dalam minggu ni me nak start contact mereka2 yg berkenaan regarding these 2 things.. Hopefully everything will go well later.. InsyaAllah.. till then, sang pencinta sign off dulu. nak pi terawih ni.. hahaha.. sempat lagi la update blog? hehehe.. Ok.. Trulululu~

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