inspirasi kawen dari yg lain (1st part)

hi.. as what i promised yesterday, today i'm going to share sum of my findings.. memule me saje je cari ideas for baju pengantin.. then i tot why not tgk other muslims nye wedding (read: muslims all over the world).. leh jenguk2 what they wore during their wedding kan.. asik2 tgk kebaya sulam, french lace and all... why not try other design bcoz they're still muslim rite, so mesti la pakaian muslimah jugak kan.. tak salah kalau nak follow diorang nye idea selagi tak membatasi syarak kan.. hehehe..

malay's typical wedding dress' design.. still nice though.. pic taken from thehijablog

firstly, i went to lot of blogs on hijab.. then i klik on abayas and wedding gowns.. lovely sgt2.. tgk diorangnye wedding blogs.. the design are completely different if compared to us Malays. kite suke pakai lace then have lots of beadings n all which i think still cantek n nice for wedding attire but why not cube bende yg baru kan? cari punye cari i came across dis website.. a designer boutique in Jakarta (i guess).. it called Irna la Perla. kindly take a peek on it coz the gowns sgt2 la cantek! i've always thought that Indonesians always wore kebaya sulam wif batik jawa n all but dis one are totally different..

typical Indonesian wedding attire.. nice jugak.. the colour especially.. lovely tiffany blue

cantek kan?? cantek sgt2! my personal feveret is the right one.. so flowy n sweet! pic from weddinginspirasi

dis one also from Irna La Perle... love the right one also! niceeeee! pic also from weddinginspirasi

phewwww! my heart beats sooo fast when i lay my eyes on the gowns.. cantek sangat2! "abang! can u design it for me!!" hehehe.. i shouted dat to him last nite (dlm ym je la..).. hihihi.. mengeluh besar kawan tu.. huhuhu.. xpe2.. i can take their ideas and use them to design my wedding gown later.. chewaaaahhhh!!! cepat btul plan.. sabo2.. thn dpan sure ade byk design2 yg cantek2 lagi...

ok, later i'll update on my feveret muslim's style and muslim's wedding blogs.. nice.. sementara tu, i'll list them down in my blog list.. sang pencinta undur diri dulu.. lapar sudaaaaa.. trululu~~

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